This personal website of Dan Parmenter is intended only for the perusal of advertising professionals or otherwise authorised personnel. If you are not the intended audience for this site and have found yourself here in error, I honestly wouldn't worry too much if I were you. Warning messages like this are just full of inflated, pompous jargon chosen to prevent you from somehow illicitly misusing information that your wanton browsing (or a horrendously-optimised search engine) shouldn't have presented to you in the first place.
Seriously, you're totally safe. Your computer won't be infected by a virus or worm, or be spammed by money-making pyramid scheme offers or discounts on penis enlargement pills. It won't delete the contents of your hard drive, crash the entire internet, steal your girlfriend/boyfriend, self-destruct, or cunningly use your computer as a pawn in a daring global hacking operation on NASA's mainframe.
However, just to be sure, I recommend you get your affairs in order, kiss your aforementioned girlfriend/boyfriend goodbye, pray to your god/deity/television evangelist of choice, pour a complete circle of salt around you and your computer, and cross your fingers on both hands that no one finds out that it was in fact YOU that was responsible for ushering in the catastrophic zombie apocalypse.